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hurricanesfan66 t1_jbhcofj wrote

20+ years in Raleigh from Indiana County.

Pittsburgh Dad like someone mentions. Trips to Kennywood when I come home. Gallikers iced tea and smiley cookies.

Love to visit, but it's not home for me. Got a family here now.

I do enjoy schoolin' folks down here on what are gumbands, redding up, school being off the Monday after Thanksgiving for first day of deer hunting (does that still happen?), gobs, and others.

But, I did single handedly get Sheetz to come down here almost 20 years ago, so that's good.


Popular-Variation-29 OP t1_jbhebcl wrote

I love to visit too, but likewise I have my own family and home and I'm pretty happy where I'm at. And yeah, people pick up where I'm from sometimes based on my vernacular.

Smiley cookies were one of my favorites. We also have friends in Glen Campbell that we visit a couple of times a year, not sure how close that was to you.


hurricanesfan66 t1_jbhf1ty wrote

So funny--I had never heard of it before now. Looks like it's the NE corner of the county. I group up south of Indiana (the county seat) almost into Westmoreland County.


Popular-Variation-29 OP t1_jbhgaaf wrote

We used to go to Indiana town of, occasionally to eat at, I think it was Fire Mountain maybe? Previously Ryan's? I think.

Also, yes, my kids still have off the Monday after Thanksgiving. However, rifle opens the Saturday immediately following Thanksgiving now.


drewbaccaAWD t1_jbhhfk7 wrote

>Gallikers iced tea

I like how even that is only east of Pittsburgh.. at some point it transitions into either Ritchey's or Turner's or whatever. What is it with W PA buying up instant iced tea already mixed for us?