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PPQue6 t1_jbhvg5l wrote

Erie has a pretty decent LGBTQIA+ community and the city itself is very welcoming, and would definitely match your needs for the cost of housing. Obviously like anywhere in PA the rural areas leave a lot to be desired...


aniorange t1_jbi66uy wrote

I second Erie. I've been here almost ten years. There is a decent LGBTQIA community. It's not a perfect town but it ain't bad.


VaginaHotPocket OP t1_jbiguq6 wrote

We found a house we love in Erie! So I’m glad that it’s an option!


PPQue6 t1_jbih0ce wrote

Don't forget too that another benefit of living here is that you're not very far from a lot of big cities! Also not a lot of traffic either.