Submitted by 7nationarmy t3_1252fgk in Pennsylvania
SoulCartell117 t1_je2944p wrote
Not a truck or large vehicle in sight.
Pencilveinyah t1_je2qwgn wrote
Had the in house liquor store way before wine and beer became available in grocery stores
DandersUp2 t1_je2swzz wrote
I remember this location.
Few-Chance118 t1_je2xa7d wrote
In all these years the only thing that's really changed is the lettering... every giant I've seen still uses that green roof aesthetic all along its outer walking space
Asikar_Tehjan t1_je2xu2k wrote
Well, that pic was only like four years after the oil crisis of 1979. So big gas guzzling cars/trucks probably weren't on everyone's list of desirable vehicles.
_SundaeDriver t1_je4v89t wrote
Black and white makes it look older then the 80s. We had color photos in 1984 in case some you younger folks were wondering.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_je56p6p wrote
KetchupEnthusiest95 t1_je5jnmf wrote
Don't work for Giant.
They literally lie about pay with asterisk marks all the way down and work you till you can't think straight. They treat employees like shit and pretend that somehow they're doing them a favor.
crankshaft123 t1_jecnr1z wrote
Yes, we had color photos, but they weren't common in the daily newspaper at that time. Only the Sunday paper was "blessed" with color photos.
Mijbr090490 t1_je23dk3 wrote
The Camp Hill location is enormous now. I'd still rather drive down the road to Wegmans.