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MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhidde wrote


Logan_Holmes t1_jdhk6sc wrote

I think it’s going to be hard to overturn. The bus comes to a complete stop and has its sign out for four seconds then you drive by. I don’t doubt the possibility of the van blocking your view of the bus, but I think any judge will tell you to be more careful around buses and to always be prepared for a stop


throwawayamd14 t1_jdhrmuu wrote

If the van blocked his view of the bus then how did he see that the hazard lights were not on?


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdht82x wrote

I saw the bus going up the road about a block away, they didnt have hazards/stop sign on at the time. Whats not shown on video is how long the hazards have been on, which from my experience seeing the bus a block away with no lights before approaching closer to the stop means they only had their hazards on for potentially any of that time and distance. From the distance they may have traveled, it was under 150ft undoubtedly.


throwawayamd14 t1_jdhtoo9 wrote

It is hard to believe any justification based on the bus driver’s actions because he provided enough warning for another car, which was a head of you and closer to the bus, to stop before the stop sign was even out. Honestly you definitely deserve this ticket


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhuzoy wrote

Literally its the law for them to turn hazards on at 150-300 ft, which they didnt. That van pm slammed on their breaks


throwawayamd14 t1_jdhvrsa wrote

You can tell this to a judge, but to a 3rd party observer it really seems that you are at fault here


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhla82 wrote

The sign was still opening as I passed it. Regardless, the distance of 150-300ft is required of bus drivers on Penndots bus drivers manual, which is what im wondering would help here.
