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111victories t1_jdi24nt wrote

Read the State Code:

A violation under this section shall not: (i) be deemed a criminal conviction; (ii) be made part of the operating record of the individual upon whom the penalty is imposed under section 1535 (relating to schedule of convictions and points); (iii) be the subject of merit rating for insurance purposes; or (iv) authorize imposition of surcharge points in the provision of motor vehicle insurance coverage.

335.1(c)(4)(iv) is posted above. No points. Either your husband did it before (occam’s razor) or somehow the law is different in Erie. Or municipal error, I suppose


814lifechanging t1_jdi3xyl wrote

Thanks for the info, I will look in to it. Maybe my husband has lied to me😄 certainly wouldn't be the first time.


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdic02u wrote

I called the number on my ticket.

Apparently, no points or insurance hikes from when it's a camera. If a police officer witnesses it or pulls you over, then it could be different. Maybe a police officer witnessed your husband but didn't pull him over.


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi5gpr wrote

This was something Ive read on the back of my ticket. The wording of that felt confusing to me, like it looks like it says no points/suspension would happen, but then again that just doesnt...seem right lol like I HAVE to be reading it wrong to have title 1535 list the points, but my ticket says im not going to lose points.

EDIT: You're correct! No points or insurance hikes if its just a camera that catches you. It's different if police catch it happening.

This puts me at ease, you and 814lifechanging are good people.
