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BamitzSam101 t1_jedjh2q wrote

Yeah duh. No one said they were? My point was religious equality for all. Most people on reddit know they don’t actually follow/believe Satan. Still doesn’t make me a Satanist. Being non- religious doesn’t make you inherently a member of the Satanic temple. Which is btw, a federally recognized religion.


Lint6 t1_jedk358 wrote

Sorry, you saying "I'm not a Satanist" made me think you thought they were.

I'm not a member of TST, but I am wholly aware of who they are, what they stand for, and yes, that they are Federally recognized as a religion


BamitzSam101 t1_jedkb6g wrote

No problem 😊 I find it’s mentally better for me to just avoid religious/spiritual labels. I don’t even like using atheist.


Thecrawsome t1_jeeccql wrote

I'm no Eng major, but you read it wrong.

Good, I'm not a Satanist but

Good is in reference to the news.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jef1ss8 wrote

he already apologized. There is no need to break out into detail the reason he read it wrong.