Submitted by CrownStarr t3_11phkng in Pennsylvania
ktappe t1_jby4597 wrote
How far off the beaten path are you willing to go? I ask because I can get you a drivethrough of the Brandywine Valley that will be gorgeous. But it will involve you going on single lane roads for about half an hour once you hop off I-95 in Delaware and drive north.
If you're willing, take I-95 into Delaware and exit at Route 141 North, before you get to Wilmington. Take 141 North until you turn left on Route 100 North. That will take you through Winterthur, an old Dupont estate. Make sure to turn left to stay on 100 instead of going straight onto 92.
This will take you up past the the Andrew Wyeth estate and Brandywine River Museum. It's a PA bicycle route, so watch out for riders.
This road runs into Route 1 which you can then take to 202 to the PA Turnpike and Route 611 North, which others have suggested. You'll just hit 611 a bit further north than Philly, which is a good thing.
Let me know if interested and I'll try to map it up on Google for you.
CrownStarr OP t1_jbyapio wrote
Nice, thank you! That’s plenty of detail to figure it out, I ran through it and it looks like it would only add about an hour to my drive.
ktappe t1_jbyawqg wrote
Cool! Have fun!
thisoldbroad t1_jc0rruj wrote
But Rte 100 T-bones into Rte 309, at the northern end. From there, take 309 S to 873 N, which will take you through the Lehigh River water gap, through Tannersville, up to Pocono Township.
ktappe t1_jc2wmcd wrote
I didn’t want to send them through West Chester.
thisoldbroad t1_jc5c591 wrote
I figured that, Wise choice.
melon_breath t1_jbymiq1 wrote
IamSauerKraut t1_jc2e0hz wrote
Delaware? To see one place and then encounter all that heavy Philly traffic?
ktappe t1_jc2vub9 wrote
I’m specifically taking them around Philly traffic.
IamSauerKraut t1_jc45uu6 wrote
Philly traffic is not just inside the City limits. There's quite a bit of traffic out where you suggest OP go. 202 around West Chester, Goshen and up to Exton is about as ugly as any place except maybe Rt. 1 west of Philly. And traffic there is a bumper-to-bumper race from one traffic light to the next.
ktappe t1_jc4kfe4 wrote
Depends on the time of day. You’re definitely right at rush hour, but if OP drives through around noon time it should be absolutely fine. That’s what I inferred they were doing considering they are looking to sightsee.
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