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oovvvie007 t1_jcauij3 wrote

Not sure how to answer this question? I'm just a baseline call center agent. it's all held from my paycheck, hope that makes sense. It's not pulled from an account?


Hazel1928 t1_jcc1wa2 wrote

Oh, you may not have access to that information. I was referring to the failed bank in Silicon Valley. The FDIC guarantees all deposits up to 250 K. So the consumer can know that even if their bank fails, deposits up to 250K are safe. Apparently, that bank had 93% of their accounts over 250K. But we are bailing them out after all. Supposedly it’s not the government (ie taxpayers) that are bailing them out, but it’s the banks (ie customers) who are bailing them out. But I think the banking sector is safe. We won’t let it fail.