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USMBTRT t1_jcbfiaz wrote

What's the functional difference between a librarian saying, "lets replace this one," and a parent saying, "I don't want that one?" Do you think librarians are magically impartial or immune to bias? Do you think the left has never pulled books from shelves that don't fit their ideology?


steelceasar t1_jcbgemv wrote

>Do you think the left has never pulled books from shelves that don't fit their ideology

I would like an example if you don't mind.

And the functional difference is that librarians have degrees in education and library science. The others are hand ringing Karens with a fox news addiction and an obsession with controlling society.


USMBTRT t1_jcbqa4g wrote

Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mocking Bird, and Dr. Seuss (But only when Melania Trump reads it, not Michelle Obama) to name a few.

And while not a book, but just a general point on censorship, California, New Jersey, and other states passed laws or school policies to ban pro-gun clothing in schools.

It's worth noting that, according to PEN America, for a book to be put on the banned list, it doesn't actually have to be banned - just that someone has requested that a school look into whether something is age appropriate or not.

Edit: They're both on the ALA Top 100 Banned Books list. I used those sources because they specifically call out the people banning them. Also love how direct evidence of the Dr. Seuss hierocracy is completely written off because you don't agree with the website that compiled the tweets.


steelceasar t1_jcbt5ip wrote

So, neither Huckleberry Finn nor To Kill a Mockingbird were banned if you read your articles. There was just a discussion about the use of racial language, and it was determined that they needed to be properly contextualized as part of a curriculum so as to avoid romanticizing them. You are playing dumb by citing the PEN definition of banned to avoid this obvious difference. Also, wearing shirts with guns on them has nothing to do with book bans and bringing them up is you grasping at straws to make an argument that is not founded in reality.

Edit: also your third article is just a reposting of a bunch of tweets in tabloid fashion to create a false controversy.


BluCurry8 t1_jcc0kta wrote

You bring up an interesting point the article. It you are going to ban Push, To Kill A Mockingbird a mockingbird should be banned. The white trash father raped his daughter and produced 2 more children. To expand further, we are taught about To kill a mockingbird in the context of racism and basically institutionalized racism, but not that rape and incest that is clearly happening under everyone’s nose in the book should get punished. No one raises a finger to protect the daughter in this book. Really we do have selective pearl clutching in this country!