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PSLimitation t1_jdip2cd wrote

We shouldn't. I have a family. Do you think it's fair that our families are at risk because our elected officials are instigating a war on 2 different fronts. Guessing you're not qualified for the draft like I am.


YorkVol t1_jdmudyy wrote

I retired from the Army after 23 years. I have 5 kids, 2 grand kids, and one of my daughters and her husband both serve as Majors in the US Air force. I have a direct stake in this. And, I'm confident the draft will never be used, especially not for this regional conflict.

I'm watching us defeat one of our peer competitors at less than 10% of what a direct conflict would have cost in blood and treasure. And there is no real threat to you or your family, don't believe Putin.

Also I am a fan of protecting sovereign nations, especially budding democracies from invasion.

Finally I don't want Russia/Putin controlling 10% of the worlds grain supplies. Their control over European fuel supplies is already an imbalance of power that affects global oil prices. Having an independent Ukraine helps balance out the global market.