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Euphoric-March-8159 t1_jcdd498 wrote

Our highways are filthy, it’s embarrassing. I can’t believe those plastic bags are still given away freely. They are everywhereeee


NotNowDamo t1_jcf1k0m wrote

Saddest thing is seeing red sheetz bags stuck up high in trees in some of the most remote spots in our state!


Ribzee OP t1_jchn7vi wrote

I once documented the saga of a plastic bag stuck in a tree outside my work. This was back when blogging was hot. The story grew legs, so many people followed its condition and asked about it offline too. I pitched the story to NPR and got on-air about it. If you're curious, it's a 5 min interview here (I think you have to download it to listen, but they also wrote about it):


NotNowDamo t1_jcl7sm5 wrote

For other reasons, I remember the snow.storm that took out Windy. Awesome, thanks for sharing.


Ribzee OP t1_jcl8paw wrote

I'm scared to listen to that interview again. Only listened to it once when it aired live, then again with my husband later in the day. Did I sound like an idiot? I can't remember. I can see why some actors and actresses have never seen their own films. I almost puked before I had to go on air due to nerves. But it was such a great story and I wanted people to know about it. For the record, the best response comment I got about the interview was "That was a driveway moment," meaning they were so taken by the story driving home from work that they sat in their driveway to listen to the end. The worst comment I got was "That woman needs mental help." Har.

Yeah, that storm was something, wasn't it? I remember it well too because I think our work shut down for 4 days, which never happens.


NotNowDamo t1_jcubh53 wrote

Honestly, I didn't listen, I read the article. I just figured the article was a transcript from the interview, and you came off as perfectly normal.


Ribzee OP t1_jcejofj wrote

My group recently cleaned wooded areas along roads where people just chuck stuff out car windows or things tumble in from wherever. Disheartening to find so many plastic bags, many with contents, buried just under the soil. Been there for years. We're happy to get it out, but then you think "How many more bags are out there?" Ugh.


pekepeeps t1_jcmw4rv wrote

This is just nonsensical to use plastic bags. It drives me crazy. Like at wawa. They want to put one item in a bag and I’m like no, please no bag as I have hands to take it to my car 5 feet away.