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WearySeaTurtle t1_jcexrqf wrote

Oo good call op. The amount of trash is insane. How hard is it to keep trash in your car to throw out later? There are freaking trash cans at gas stations. That's where I depose my trash.


Ribzee OP t1_jceyqno wrote

The amount of takeout food I find half-eaten, lying in a curb, is astounding. Like, they just ate in their car, decided they were done, and made the street their garbage can. I haaaaate picking up half-eaten food, more so when the food is wet/soggy, or it's summertime, or especially when it's both. Thank you for being a normal person.

Edit to add: At first I thought you were referring only to food trash. I don't know why I thought that. I'm tired. Anyway, yeah. Trash overall is ridiculous. I've estimated I've picked up 15,000 lbs of it with my volunteer group (80% of it just me) over the last two years. People just don't care. They have accepted trash in the environment, don't mind it, add to it, and won't do a thing to rid of it.