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PGHNeil t1_je546w7 wrote

I'm a stressed out parent of a now grown child with level 3 nonverbal autism, intellectual disability, bipolar disorder, etc. We've been consumers of the mental health system since 2006. Where should I start without it devolving into a rant?


[deleted] t1_je5bgtz wrote



PGHNeil t1_je5do2a wrote

Yeah, TBH with IDEA and ACA I'm wondering exactly when that minor/adult line lies. Mine's 19 and has the comprehensive autism waiver so it's basically filling out forms and returns and hoping that the people on his case aren't quitting/retiring anytime soon.


iblewoutmuhbutthole t1_je8hpqb wrote

Best of luck to you with the waiver stuff. I'm on it myself (I am the one receiving services) and certain organizations have a humongous amount of turnover. CRI has been pretty bad about that recently.


AlternativePanic444 OP t1_je5buyq wrote

My oh my, it sounds like there’s a pretty high demand for services. Good luck, hang in there❤️


PGHNeil t1_je5d71n wrote

In all honesty, I don't come in contact with a lot of other autism parents and my son has been in inpatient/group home/residential care for the past few years. There are LONG wait lists with lots of staff turnover and some of the options we were presented with were either around Philly or out of state. We're in Allegheny county though so there are also a lot of options here as well.

FWIW I did go to CBT therapy before and during COVID (remotely) and it helped - but not as much as keeping myself busy.