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vinnie5451 t1_jcm7xfc wrote

Great 8 hrs less pay is always awesome


mainelinerzzzzz t1_jcmsljj wrote

No, you’ll get paid for 40 hours. Lol.


vinnie5451 t1_jcmte6x wrote

Yeah ok hows the government going my force a company to pay for hours not worked


chaqalaqalaqa t1_jcnaeis wrote

By having the law say they have to.

Just like how they have to pay overtime.


vinnie5451 t1_jcp75yy wrote

You work overtime how are they going to force a company to pay for hours not worked .What about places that don’t allow overtime or companies that don’t want to pay for the extra 8 hrs and stop overtime all together


chaqalaqalaqa t1_jcp7jea wrote

Don’t think of it as “hours not worked,” think of it as fair compensation for enough work.

The 40 hour work week was designed so one person could support a family while the wife (historically speaking) stayed home and kept the house and kids.

Now, typically both partners are working 30-40 hours a week. It’s time we the people took back the lifestyles the American dream was promised and stop working ourselves to death


vinnie5451 t1_jcp82gh wrote

By getting 8hrs less pay for not working those hours got it not sure how the government is going to force someone to pay for wages not earned


chaqalaqalaqa t1_jcp8t72 wrote

By passing legislation that does so. I don't know the exact wording or mechanics, but there's a lot of things that companies "wouldn't do" unless they were forced.

We still have a vast majority of people in this state and country who don't have sick time. My partner is currently sick with Covid and can't take off work without being written up. It's a dystopia.


PmButtPics4ADrawing t1_jcpg94m wrote

Maybe try reading the article instead of just the headline. The bill wouldn't force companies to reduce hours, it just provides tax credits to those that do so without reducing pay or benefits. If your employer doesn't think they can cut hours without cutting pay they just won't participate.

>Three Democratic state lawmakers are hoping to make Pennsylvania a more appealing place to work. The trio has proposed a pilot program to supply tax credits to businesses that provide a four-day, 32-hour work week to commonwealth-based employees without reducing compensation or benefits packages.


mainelinerzzzzz t1_jcmtujl wrote

I was LoLing about people working less and getting paid more. Not going to happen.


gslavik t1_jcnyrep wrote

You are getting paid less than if you worked 48 hours.
