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TotesLiz t1_jcq1gl8 wrote

I wonder how many more chances this 23 year old person is going to get from college sports programs. He got kicked out of Arizona State already.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jcqcjkg wrote

Well, he's white, male, wealthy, and his dad has connections. So... Maybe 9?


MrGenerik t1_jcqht89 wrote

Eh, he's already at the mid tier private school in fucking Erie. The ladder doesn't have many more rungs to the ground.


IamSauerKraut t1_jcuoljw wrote

He is bumping up against the NCAA age limitation. Then he'll either have to ditch the bitch in the bottle or... he'll end up a drunk with repeat brushes with the law.


Exodys03 t1_jcq9m5y wrote

Asshole move for sure but what exactly is the police probe going to uncover?

“After a months long exhaustive investigation, we have determined that this kid is a real a-hole!”


_dontgiveuptheship t1_jcqrlab wrote

Asshole, Major Asshole.

His father? He's an Asshole, too, sir.

Philly Flyers GM Danny Asshole.


kmj420 t1_jcr3bt0 wrote

I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes!


NotNowDamo t1_jcteem3 wrote

This is only news I am hearing about because I live in PA. While I am a sports fan, I don't have cable and live outside of the Philly area.

Is this being mentioned on sports radio, Philly Sports Network (or whatever Comcast calls it now) or ESPN?

Not sure how newsworthy a GM of a hockey team is, but when Andy Reid's kid was arrested for DUI (I think, it's been awhile) I heard about that nonstop, in places nonsports related.


IamSauerKraut t1_jcup0pl wrote

We should not be hounding the parent just because the son cannot behave himself in a lawful manner.


NotNowDamo t1_jcv22ci wrote

I don't disagree, was just wondering if it was being reported in the same way.


worstatit t1_jct3m7n wrote

Review video, speak with victim, mail citation. 30 minutes to two hours. The asshole determination has already been established.


DannyLameJokes t1_jcrfqv6 wrote

Why does every headline use the singular “player” then state that three students are suspended in the article?


IamSauerKraut t1_jcup536 wrote

Because only one player gets to be named. The other 2 can continue to be their usual arsehole selves in anonymity.


jetbag513 t1_jcrx52r wrote

Entitled little prick should be banned from sports at all schools.


Slight-Ad-3306 t1_jcqmnyr wrote

Two points: First, I don’t like what he did. Second, I am hella glad there weren’t cameras everywhere when I was that age. I was a bit of an ahole especially when alcohol was involved, which was often back then.


libananahammock t1_jcrffug wrote

I drank in college too and did my fair of stupid stuff but guess what, I never once wanted to destroy a disabled person’s items or done any other dickbag stuff that people blame on alcohol all the time.


Slight-Ad-3306 t1_jcrjbr9 wrote

Interesting that I am being downvoted. I was very clear that what he did was wrong and I am not making excuses for him but I was young and did dumb stuff. Apparently only me and the rest of Reddit was perfect. I have grown up and would never do something like this.


31November t1_jcrk4ac wrote

I think if you just add this comment to the edits of your other comment will make it clearer that you're not approving or excusing what this hockey d-bag did.

I hope only the literal worst for this player.


GSDBUZZ t1_jcqyl1j wrote

One point: I am glad there were cameras. Those wheelchairs are extremely expensive. I shudder to think if this poor woman had no idea who destroyed her wheelchair and she had to pay for it herself. These 3 need to pay for a new wheelchair immediately. Even if they do offer to do that I believe these wheelchairs are custom made so it will likely take some time to get her a new one.