GSDBUZZ t1_jcqyl1j wrote

One point: I am glad there were cameras. Those wheelchairs are extremely expensive. I shudder to think if this poor woman had no idea who destroyed her wheelchair and she had to pay for it herself. These 3 need to pay for a new wheelchair immediately. Even if they do offer to do that I believe these wheelchairs are custom made so it will likely take some time to get her a new one.


GSDBUZZ t1_jbu0cup wrote

Pit-bull advocates always stress that they are complete sweethearts and I have met many pit-bulls that are sweet. I think the problem is that every dog breed has a subset of animals that bite. Even if the subset for pit-bulls is the exact same percentage as the subset for Yorkshire Terriers the damage inflicted by one pit-bull bite is likely much more than one bite from a Yorkie. Pit-bull owners do the breed no favor by ignoring the fact that some pit-bulls do bite. And before you jump on me for this observation I just want to say that I was the owner of a German Shepherd for 11 years. While my GSD showed no signs of aggression I was always mindful that others could be afraid of him.
