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Psychogistt t1_jdqikj2 wrote

What evidence do you have that Kilimnik is a Russian spy? Or that the polling data reached Russian intel?


WahWahBaby t1_jdqkf0x wrote

Here is an article summarizing the GOP chaired senate intel report in regards to kilimnic. As well as a link to the actual report below.

As far as the data reaching the GRU, that was in the treasury department’s report detailing sanctions against the Russian folks who hacked and spread propaganda that benefited trump in the 2016 campaign.


Psychogistt t1_jdqlmsy wrote

So no evidence that Kilimnik is a Russian spy. Do you usually believe things without evidence?


WahWahBaby t1_jdqlu0a wrote

Are you asking me to give you raw classified US intelligence? Lmao

So your position is that US intelligence is lying and that you believe the Russian govt?


Psychogistt t1_jdqmah9 wrote

I’m not aware of what the Russian government has said about this.

My position is to follow the evidence.

US intelligence has a long history of lying to the American people. Do you usually believe people who lie and don’t provide evidence?

It’s just a conspiracy theory at this point.


WahWahBaby t1_jdqo1hz wrote

>My position is to follow the evidence.

Cool, the senate intel report I linked, which is signed by Marco Rubio, goes through tons of it. Read it.

>It’s just a conspiracy theory at this point.

Not according to the US govt, any inability to digest that seems like a personal problem.

Just a tip, since you are such a big evidence guy, In the future, don’t provide a contrarian interview with the accused as evidence. That’s like me saying, “ Jeffery Epstein didn’t do anything wrong and is a great guy, here is an interview where he says so” lol


Psychogistt t1_jdr06fj wrote

Is Marco Rubio generally a truthful person? Can you provide just one tiny bit of evidence that Kilimnik is a Russian spy?

Do you believe everything the US government says? Do you still think there’s WMDs in Iraq?

You don’t think accused people should be able to defend themselves?

This thread is proof that liberals also believe hoaxes and conspiracy theories. Despite no evidence whatsoever, this user continues to stick to their beliefs.


WahWahBaby t1_jdr1qf2 wrote

You’ve been given evidence in a 1000 page report and you don’t care because you don’t trust the government, sounds like you are the fringe conspiracy theorist to me.

You may have the last word.


Psychogistt t1_jdrb37t wrote

1000 pages and no evidence. Unless you can provide evidence, then we’ll have to consider this a hoax/conspiracy theory.