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dyngalive t1_jd08d72 wrote

Can I piggyback on this to ask how much of a PITA it is to go through the initial process? My doctor has suggested MM several times for my anxiety/panic issues but I've been kind of dragging my feet because I'm not sure how necessary it is to go through the process and expense when I don't need something regularly, just every now and then. I have a scrip for Xanax and it took me over a year to go through 10 pills because my attacks are so sporadic and because I don't like taking them. I would have less hesitation to use MM than I do the xanax, I'm just not sure I'd need it often enough to make it worthwhile.


deanmj4 OP t1_jd09m4i wrote

The process is super easy. The website has step by step directions. Well you could try it for a year and if it’s not for you then you won’t need to renew. Hope it all works out for you.