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gggg500 t1_jdcxa9u wrote

Thanks for sharing. I’m almost 30, lived in rural central PA my whole life, gone for tons of walks and been out in nature quite a bit.

One million percent sure I have never seen or heard a Ruffed Grouse. Are they only in certain parts of PA??


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdd0z4s wrote

Certain parts, yes. But less so that they are only native to certain parts, and more so that only certain parts of the state are undeveloped enough for them to thrive. They not only need forests, but large swatches of forests. Unfortunately most of the state has very segmented patches of forest which doesn't cut it for them.

Best shot at seeing one is going to somewhere up near cherry springs/pa grand canyon/allegheny and finding an area within or adjoining a large section of undeveloped forest and then find a fallow field or an area that was recently logged.

Had one land on my treestand a couple years ago. Couldn't risk getting my phone out to take a photo, but it was literally 2' from my face. Pretty awesome.

More fun facts... They also make super awesome patterns in the snow. They basically dive bomb into soft snow and chill there for a long time and then when they take off, all you see is the pattern of their wings.


gggg500 t1_jdd41zc wrote

Thanks again for the info!! Coolest birds I’ve ever seen besides Bald Eagles are large White Herons and also massive 6-foot wingspan Turkey Vultures down around in the Harrisburg area. I’ve also seen actual Turkey up close in and around Harrisburg too. But I have definitely never seen a Ruffed Grouse. Maybe I will see one someday!! I grew up near Lock Haven and I never once saw a Ruffed Grouse ever. They kinda do look like chickens!


Razoray20 OP t1_jdynzuj wrote

That’s really very cool. I’m certain I’ve never encountered this bird. Thank you.


Mor_Tearach t1_jddlry3 wrote

Dauphin here. Never had them until a couple years ago. They're not close, climbing pretty far up a ridge not far from our house heard one. Could not believe it. And yep. 3 years in a row same spot.

Of course we have porcupine now too. Cool stuff balanced out. Those things are a giant pain to have around plus fishers were introduced as a predator. Which means those grouse won't be around long.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jddr5oi wrote

Don't get me started on porcupines. They have desroyed so much of our stuff, its been a never ending battle. Insult to injury is that they aren't even good eating!

Our attempt to combat them this year is going to be to, instead of protect everything from them, and "exterminate" them, we are going to try to put a salt block out on a stump... Basically a sacrificial anode for our cabin, lol.


gggg500 t1_jddpd1f wrote

Also random question: do ruffed grouse fly? Like a Robin would? Or are the more like Turkey - can fly short bouts?


ho_merjpimpson t1_jddqlrx wrote

Closer to turkeys. They fly and can fly decent distances, but they don't just fly around all willy nilly. Its rare to see one in flight when it wasn't you that spooked one.

The one that landed in my treestand got kicked up by my dad.