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IamSauerKraut t1_ir2cdlu wrote

>When does the right to possess a firearm supplant a person's right to be alive?

None of the GOA's riding my buttcheeks has the courage to answer the bleeding question.


Ifoughtallama t1_ir3ha9o wrote

Those who would trade essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir3jy9p wrote

How can a person have "essential liberty" when they get shot to death while working to pay rent?


Ifoughtallama t1_ir3me30 wrote

Why should we have free speech when Trump can say whatever he wants? Why should we have cars when tens of thousands are killed by them each year? This is America, we have God-given rights. With freedom comes risk and responsibility. Those worried about a statistically minimal chance of being a victim of of gun crime should move to China or Canada.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir3n63h wrote

Amazing that humans survived so long before the Chinese... err, god discovered gunpowder for humankind. Just think of quickly David could have done away with Goliath with a gun instead of a slingshot. Think of all those people on top of the mountain in Masada who could survived had God given them guns. Imagine how Tiffany Fletcher might still be alive were Philly able to enact just a few sensible gun laws instead of those fn control freaks in Harrisburg enacting dumbass laws.
