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heili t1_ir5v5ok wrote

Right. OP's story doesn't add up. I had my first university ID before the semester started. Got it when I went a couple of months before to register for classes. I couldn't do shit without it. Couldn't use the library, ride the bus, get into the dorm, eat at the cafeteria, register for a class, go to the laundry... nothing.


chaos-born OP t1_iriwq79 wrote

A friend of mine goes to the college across from mine, they got thiers during the first week of school. During my first week of school, I got my schedule and a key card, which is what we use to get in and out of the building, as well as around certain areas around the school, such as the office area where I could speak to the principal and what have you.


heili t1_iriwzid wrote

What the fuck kind of college has a principal?


chaos-born OP t1_irixi0x wrote

If they go by a different title of profession, I wouldn't know, but since I'm transitioning from high school and I'm used to how things were done then, that's what I call them. They're just someone who emails the students every once in a while to see how they are doing, also who students would come to if they missed a class.