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IamSauerKraut t1_ircv7v4 wrote

They apparently do not exist in Bucks County, if those two school boards are to be believed. Boy, oh boy, are they in for a rude awakening. About time someone took them to the courthouse to get woke.

Errata: complaint not filed at the courthouse but administratively with US Ed's Office of Civil Rights. Let's see if Biden's OCR does a better job with this than how Title IX/sex assault complaints were handled under DeVos.


Professional_Fun_664 t1_ird49iq wrote

Way to jump to a conclusion, along with all the idiots downvoting. That's not what I'm saying at all. If they lived here, they would know there IS a strong LGBT culture in a lot of places throughout PA. About the only places you won't find it as prevalent is in the Amish communities.