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M4053946 t1_ircsk63 wrote

There are plenty of example on right wing sites, which you will probably simply reject, despite them having videos, source tweets, etc. Left wing sites have been ignoring the issue, though the NY Times just ran this piece. A few key bits:

"Michael is part of a very small but growing group of transgender adolescents who have had top surgery, or breast removal, to better align their bodies with their experience of gender. Most of these teenagers have also taken testosterone and changed their name, pronouns or clothing style."

So, drugs with permanent affects, and surgery on minors.

"Genital surgeries in adolescents are exceedingly rare, surgeons said, but top surgeries are becoming more common. "

Rare, but apparently even the NY Times is saying they're happening. And "top surgery", aka double-mastectomies, are "becoming more common".

"some patients come to regret their surgeries."

This is pretty big for the Times to say this, as not too long ago people said that detransitioners didn't really exist.

"Dr. Gallagher, whose unusual embrace of platforms like TikTok has made her one of the most visible gender-affirming surgeons"

A surgeon is directly advertising to teens on tiktok. Reddit loves to hate on pharmaceutical companies advertising their drugs, but apparently a doctor advertising to vulnerable youth is fine.

"[in one study] Roughly one-third of those who underwent surgery reported ongoing loss of nipple sensation...Most patients were surveyed less than two years after their surgeries, and nearly 30 percent could not be contacted or declined to participate."

This is a study they point to as showing success, a study where 30% have negative side effects and where 30% of the participants dropped out, and where there was no real long-term follow up. This fits the pattern in that studies that show support for this are low quality.


Miserable-Effective2 t1_iree7ic wrote

Also read the comments on that NYTimes article. You will find the majority taking your stance, the opposite of the Reddit hive mind.


Night_hawk419 t1_irgmv71 wrote

Ok and did their parents sign off on it? Or are they just going and doing it on their own behind their parents back? If there’s parental consent and child and parent all want it to happen, I don’t see a problem here.


M4053946 t1_irh1l0k wrote

So a kid (or their parents) can't consent to sex, but they can consent to surgery that has no evidence of effectiveness and large risks of permanent harm? Come on.

And of course, the other question is how honest were the doctors about the treatments? For example, it's commonly stated that puberty blockers are safe, but there's no actual evidence for this, and the NHS recently changed their website to indicate that it's not known to be safe and there are risks. If a doctor told the parents it was safe while not actually having any data, then was that really consent?


Night_hawk419 t1_irh4anz wrote

I think kids are allowed to consent to sex. Not sure what you are saying by that.

I could see there being legal liability for the doctor if the parties don’t sign a form saying they consent and understand there are risks. But that’s why there’s courts. I sign away liability going to Bounce U lol. If they sign away liability they are choosing to take that risks and that’s on them.