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M4053946 t1_ircxsxb wrote

The parents and the doctor have no high quality research to point to that show these procedures are effective, so these procedures are unethical.


BurntOrange101 t1_ircxxe3 wrote

Also there’s more of a lot of things (queer, autistic, anxious, depressed).

It’s called being more widely accepted and more people being ok with coming out….

You know there was a point in time where you couldn’t have a mental illness or you were a maniac and locked up…? Does that mean now since more people are diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar, depression etc that’s also just made up / a result of kids rubbing off on one another or ….?


M4053946 t1_irdlwbc wrote

There's those reasons I was talking about.

So let's recap: no research to show the benefits of medication/surgery, massive negative side affects from medication/surgery, massive increase in numbers, the existence of co-morbitidies such as depression and autism, a predatory medical environment, and huge financial costs.

No problem says Reddit! These depressed and lonely teenagers have looked deep within themselves and know who they truly are. Sure, teenagers have been making bad decisions based on emotions and peer influence for all of recorded human history, but these teenagers are special, and so anyone who questions their emotions is a hater and a bigot.

But, to answer your question, if a condition like bipolar increases by thousands of percent, you still don't give them medications and surgery that are not backed by rigorous research, especially when there's massive negative side affects.