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lordrustad t1_irgklh8 wrote

Ahh yes, the immutable English language - that bastion of permanency since time immemorial.


AelfredRex t1_irgvjuy wrote

Language is by consent... not diktat.


lordrustad t1_irgwrjl wrote

Grammar rules (like pronouns) are also descriptive, rather than prescriptive. But there is a certain irony in "language is by consent...not diktat" coming from the "language is what I say it is" camp.


AelfredRex t1_irgyy14 wrote

If I do not consent to call an apple an orange, but you try to impose financial hardship on me for not doing so, that's extortion.

Congratulations. You're a tyrant.


lordrustad t1_irh12ub wrote

>You're a tyrant.

"There are consequences to being inconsiderate / rude / intentionally spiteful in a workplace" is not synonymous with tyranny, however much you'd like it to be.


DavidLieberMintz t1_irshgd0 wrote

And we all know the English language has stayed the exact same for millions of years. It's god's will!