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[deleted] t1_irgl3r8 wrote


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgmfi2 wrote

Puberty blockers are 100% reversible and ALL scientific evidence says so and that they produce no “problems for the rest of their life”.

Literally no child has ever been given gender reassignment surgery. This is a lie and debunked over and over again, why do you repeat such a lie?

“Removing any possibility of ever having sexual gratification or sharing intimacy”. Huh, weird I thought the Christian view on sex is SOLELY procreation, nothing else. Weird……..


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgnkkg wrote

Lol, you posted a link to a source who quotes, THE DAILY CALLER! Hahahaha. What an unbiased source, created by Tucker Carlson and funded by the Koch’s who has frequently made posts openly supporting white supremacy.

Any credibility in your argument you MAY have had you just by quoting such an obviously biased trash source.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgnosp wrote

Now you cite Bretibart HAHAHAHA, god you’re so hilariously weak at making an unbiased, data focused argument. Go away, let the adults speak little one.


leatherpro t1_irgnsum wrote

Data is data. You have no argument.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgo56e wrote

No it is not. That’s just NOT how it works, at all. God this is such a pathetic attempt to justify your bigoted beliefs. Data can be manipulated. Andrew Wakefield had “data” and “studies”. Until people looked at it and made it clear how bad the “data” was.


leatherpro t1_irgocsl wrote

You just keep arguing for child mutilation and I’ll sleep just fine at night.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgogt9 wrote

Not what I said, why do you feel the need to make shit up and lie? Why do you feel the need to be a liar?

You know, Jesus doesn’t care for liars…..Sounds like you’re beating false witness. Enjoy hell sinner.


leatherpro t1_irgnyo7 wrote

I’ll just keep Giving you facts and you can just keep embarrassing yourself


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgod07 wrote

“Sound journalism, grounded in facts and biblical truth”. Lol, do you have a single source that isn’t some obviously right wing trash?

“Facts and biblical truths” is an oxymoron.


leatherpro t1_irgohui wrote

Ahh, the “it’s not facts because I disagree” argument. Are you sure it’s not “hate speech”.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgotgw wrote

What facts? You have yet to post any facts. Just more and more white supremacist trash. Try harder next time. It’s okay, everyone can see the kind of racist you are. Bye!


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjfl8n wrote

The referenced study has not been peer reviewed.

Do you have a real study?


leatherpro t1_irgmo2t wrote

Laughable, let’s see how the long term data pans out.


thebutchone t1_irgubg2 wrote

For the last fucking time, no one is doing surgery on children you have to be 18 to get surgery. Puberty blockers do not cause any long-term consequences, and if it did y'all would have been fighting people when it was prescribed for precocious puberty, but no one seemed to give a fuck about it until it affects trans kids.

Trans kids with support are more likely to flourish and have less mental health problems. Trans kids who are forced to conform to the gender they were assigned at birth are more likely to end up with more mental health problems and suicide attempts.

This has been well documented, maybe use your computer or phone to do some fucking research instead of believing in your feelings.


thebutchone t1_irh3rkj wrote

Did you even read your own post?

From the linked article:

> The findings emphasize the urgency of building welcoming and safe communities for LGBTQ young people, particularly for transgender youth.

And from the study itself:

> Research clearly reveals that minority identities are not the cause of health disparities. Ultimately, researchers must comprehensively examine the factors (eg, gender minority stress29) that explain why transgender adolescents experience higher odds of suicide behavior and, perhaps more importantly, why some transgender adolescents do not. For example, research reveals that family acceptance and support are associated with diminished disparities in depression between transgender and cisgender children.


leatherpro t1_irgv276 wrote

50.8% of trans males have reported to attempted suicide. Is this the “flourishing” you’re referring to? Is the national center for transgender Equality not a good enough source for you? One of us is posting facts and studies, the other is spewing bs