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Unique-Public-8594 t1_irezfn3 wrote

Would like to help but first, curious, would you want us to focus on a specific region or any part of the state?

Tight budget, medium, or money is no object?


MainHunt1014 OP t1_irfajtz wrote

Medium budget, don't want to buy expensive dinner every night, but I'm not living on McDs! I like mote mountains and woods areas, so maybe Eastern region?


the_dorf t1_irf4sda wrote

This is a big deal. Erie-Philly is practically an all-day affair to get to one-way. Also how technical do you want your hikes to be? A lot of trails tend to be very rocky, especially the majority of the AT and north-central portions.

One strong recommendation is Lewisburg, PA for a day. Great antique area, R.B. Winter State Park for hiking and some vistas around too, and Rusty Rail Brewing in nearby Mifflinburg.

Another day trip is to Hamburg. Use the AT for the Pinnicle/Pit and eat at Port Clinton Hotel. Yuengling Brewery isn't too far away.