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susinpgh t1_irx8nyp wrote


rubikscanopener t1_irxc0mq wrote

Everything in this article is a stretch.


susinpgh t1_irxesxy wrote

States rights is a flawed philosophy. It is likely, given the reaction of this court to the PA case, that they will support state rights. This is very much in line with what republicans have set as their goal since Reagan.


Prometheus_303 t1_irxrplr wrote

>States rights is a flawed philosophy

Especially when they don't follow it

Sen Graham in the summer: There is NO national ban on abortion! No one is suggesting that! This is something individual states need to decide on for themselves!

Sen Graham in the fall: We must have a national ban on abortion!!!!

And I bet Congressman Kelly will see no problem with that... Even though he told me he believes Trump should NEVER be expected to concede. It would be too hypocritical, because Hillary once told Biden never to concede if he lost!