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woodchukka t1_iserlx3 wrote

I’m sure the school district will find a way to get through the season without five hundred and seventy eight bucks

What would that have paid for…?? A new whiteboard in the music room…?


Butternades t1_isesdsp wrote

How about the fact that teachers often spend hundreds out of pocket on classroom materials


woodchukka t1_isesog2 wrote

I’m not disagreeing here but my comment was a bit more insulting towards the Satantic Temple in that their efforts (though applauded) are likely preferred elsewhere



Ks_Mom22 t1_isf6h0j wrote

Funny. Seems they raised more for that school than you did. I think you should match their donation, since it was so low and shitty.


woodchukka t1_isfc82t wrote

Perhaps I’ll donate nothing and continue to talk smack for free, lol
