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MildlyInfuria8ing t1_iskfisa wrote

It does still matter though, something I think Dems made a mistake on in past cycles, but seem to have right this cycle.


Top_File_8547 t1_iskosbn wrote

In many neighborhoods I think they’re pointless. In my neighborhood for instance I see many signs for Fetterman and Shapiro and the local Congressional candidate but I’m sure our neighborhood will vote 90% Democratic anyway so why bother. Pretty much nobody comes to our neighborhood unless they live here or have business.


saintofhate t1_isl0hak wrote

They're useful in my neighborhood because I know who the hell to stay away from. Certain signs let me know that I would be in danger from that person if they knew that I was queer


Top_File_8547 t1_isl0ytc wrote

Yes I realize there are mixed political neighborhoods. I was just saying many are pretty homogeneous. There were only a few Trump signs in my neighborhood and one flag whose moved not long after the election probably a coincidence.


MildlyInfuria8ing t1_iskrk88 wrote

I suppose, but I'm in a purple neighborhood and I see many Dem candidates. Along rural highways it lean Republican, but more Dem than in previous years for sure. And in high traffic areas, people can get a general impression, and unfortunately we are a 'pack' social species and we tend to get impressions from what we see subconsciously.

It may not matter in your neighborhood, but there are thousands of neighborhoods and areas it does matter :)


JennItalia269 t1_islfgkd wrote

I live in a similar neighborhood as you and feel the same. That said…I rarely see any republican signs for similar reasons.