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Pf18929 t1_iskh7zu wrote

The problem with Fitzpatrick is that he’s a vote for Republican control of the house and Kevin McCarthy as house speaker.

All these moderate votes mentioned on this post only came up for a vote because Democrats controlled the house. They will not be brought up for votes with McCarthy as speaker who will struggle to manage the Marjorie Taylor Green & Lauren Boebert extremists (and there will be more extremists republicans added to the ranks in solid red districts).

Republicans are likely to win the house and Fitzpatrick being re-elected will be a big reason why. They will shut down the government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling to pay for America’s bills for money that’s already been spent (like the Trump tax cuts for the rich that were not revenue neutral and added $1.9 trillion to the deficit over 11 years which Fitzpatrick voted for). The resulting federal government default on payments will be catastrophic for the economy and especially tough on the working middle class (the very people that Fitzpatrick represents in Bucks County). You can bet that corporations will then have their hands out for a bail out when it happens because they love to privatize profits but socialize losses. Taxpayers will once again be footing the bill.

Pelosi has her faults but she controls her caucus (even the squad) when votes comes up. She puts basic governing above partisan squabbles, and will put country over party when needed. I would prefer she step down and teach a new generation of young leaders in the Democratic Party, but I will still take her as speaker over Kevin McCarthy who has shown no spine or management skills while he has been minority leader.