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DoctorSteve t1_ispeo2z wrote

Meanwhile Dr. Oz holds foreign citizenship and is personal friends with a dictator he voted for and no one is speaking up.

We need this energy for both of them.


klauskervin t1_ispf9c9 wrote

I point out to every Republican I know that Dr Oz is a turkish nationalist who actively funds and supports Turkish politics including hosting his entire extended family at one of many Turkish villas/compounds throughout Turkey. They always say "I didn't know that." but then attack Fetterman like its a competition.


DoctorSteve t1_isphhil wrote

Honestly, and I know the Fetterman campaign does more online than Oz does, there isn't enough time left in the campaign to air enough attack ads about how bad a candidate Oz is. He's given so many interviews as well. That one from today of Oz talking about when he would stick a needle in his sister's head to try and extract her brain could run for the entire cycle.

He's a messed up guy in every facet of his person. There are no redeeming qualities. His response to Covid-19 I'm sure isn't what the Fetterman campaign wants to focus on since they are trying to sway voters who probably aren't vaccinated themselves, but Dr. Oz is responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths during the pandemic. Maybe more? It's insane.


klauskervin t1_ispicfj wrote

I know I agree with everything you said. The fact Oz is considered a serious candidate and has support in PA both amazes and scares me. If he was a democrat he would have zero support. If he didn't win the Republican primary he would have zero support. The fact that he is a Republican means that people will vote for him even if he represents nothing about the people putting him in power.


__MellonCollie__ t1_isqmosw wrote

And this speaks volumes about Republican voters as people for supporting this nutjob in the first place.


BeltfedOne OP t1_isq283e wrote

The mystery ingredient here is the backing of EX President DJT, chief oathbreaker and insurectioner. Anyone he backs, I will vote against.


Ghstfce t1_isq4xqc wrote

Isn't it weird how a group of people that have been so vocal on their feelings about Muslims (remember Obama guys), yet they have zero issue with Oz?


Dude-in-the-backrow t1_isrctlh wrote

And a puppy killer!


[deleted] t1_itgdbu7 wrote



Dude-in-the-backrow t1_itgglsq wrote

He's not running for Senate, the jersey boy 'doctor' is.... If you can't argue the 'point' and need to deflect to a different subject you've already lost the debate.