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QuirrelsTurban t1_it8mjv4 wrote

The continued lesson I learn is that right wing people are always going to find something to hate about LGBTQ people and they'll always have a reason why it's not wrong for them to openly hate us. This is why I don't bother making friends with or being around anyone who is conservative.


yeags86 t1_it8o8vf wrote

What gets me is the whole “well, they are one of the good ones” spiel. Apply that to sexuality, race, religion, etc.

What they are really saying is “I know this person and like them, but all the others like them are scum”.

I’ve seen it with my wife who is half black. I have seen it with a lesbian couple she is friends with. “Well, they’re fine but that’s not what I meant”. Yes the fuck it is, assholes.


N00dlemonk3y t1_it9o08l wrote

I love my home state but god damn do I wish it would get with the times. It's 2022. There is no reason to fear anything. Unless a militaristic alien race comes barrelling down from the skies, then you can fear.


bienvenidos-a-chilis t1_itbo9fm wrote

this is why isn’t so frustrating to see people in the community trying to appeal to straight people, esp conservatives. they think if they throw more “out of the box” members of the community, like neopronoun users, under the bud, straight people will suddenly accept them. but they don’t realize that if it’s not one thing, it’ll be another, they’re just constantly making shit up to back up their beliefs and it never ends


VinoBoxPapi t1_it8p6zv wrote

Way to be close minded.


QuirrelsTurban t1_it8qp9z wrote

I don't care.


VinoBoxPapi t1_it8rce1 wrote

People also don't care about your opinion though since it's just as valid to deny LGBT than to accept them. Why should people be forced to accept your ideology when you in a public space meant for education though ? The teacher doesn't owe sh*t to anyone and especially not to students. Your not in school for teachers to cater to you.


QuirrelsTurban t1_it8rnpa wrote

Then why should we respect anyone about anything? Why should I respect someone's religious beliefs if they're not going to respect me as a human being? If you can't respect another human being then you should probably not be in a job where you have to interact with them all day, every day.


VinoBoxPapi t1_it8swxf wrote

Don't you see that different places have different purposes ? School is meant for learning and only that. Don't attend the freaking class or change school if you think the values of the school and teachers don't align with yours. To demand an entire space to shift their values to cater to the needs individuals is absurd. People should keep their religious beliefs or identities at home, not at school. No one forced you to go. Just don't go if you don't like it. That teacher was hired because of his expertise in a specific field, not because of how inclusive he is toward people. If you don't want to learn about the field then don't go lmao.


QuirrelsTurban t1_it8u9ak wrote

Of course schools are meant for learning, but people don't stop being who they are when they enter the building. Obviously the teacher doesn't check his religious beliefs at the door of the building, so why should a trans student be disrespected because of who they are?

By your standards the teacher shouldn't be teaching there if he's allowing his religious beliefs to dictate his actions in the classroom.


jaythebearded t1_it9idlj wrote

> People should keep their religious beliefs at home

This should apply to the teacher as well of course.


theviolinist7 t1_itboowv wrote

If school is about teaching and learning, how do you expect a teacher to teach people properly if they can't treat students with basic respect?


SpectacledReprobate t1_it8v0pp wrote

> it’s just as valid to deny LGBT than to accept them.

> The teacher doesn’t owe sh*t to anyone and especially not to students.

> Your not

Takes hotter than a spoon at Demi Lovato’s house, and you’re talking about THEM not getting taken seriously.

Lol good luck buddy


bienvenidos-a-chilis t1_itboexb wrote

have you ever heard of the tolerance paradox?


WikiSummarizerBot t1_itbogc3 wrote

Paradox of tolerance

>The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.

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Juan_Inch_Mon t1_it8o5gz wrote

That is extermly closed minded of you.


QuirrelsTurban t1_it8qfil wrote

So close minded of me to not be friends with people who want to see me and my friends as second class citizens or worse.