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t1_it90w0w wrote

> demanding to be treated as royalty,

He didn't say that. You're straw-manning.

He only asked to be referred to as 'Your Majesty' not for anyone to have to serve him peeled grapes on a platter or whatever.

It's a simple change of the way you refer to him, nothing more.

But you TOOK it as a request for something more. Maybe you should be wondering if the people who have a knee-jerk reaction to neopronouns are taking it as a request for something more than just a change in how they're addressed.


t1_it934h5 wrote

Your Majesty is a form of address generally reserved for royalty when not being used sarcastically. It is not a pronoun.

Pronouns are nouns we substitute for other nouns: usually one like he, she, it, they, and their declensions. The student in question uses they pronouns. Both Chaucer and Shakespeare used a singular they so if you try the “that’s always plural” you will only further demonstrate the failure of English education in this state.

Your Majesty is a form of formal address, usually reserved for a monarch above the rank of prince.

Congrats! You are transphobic and don’t understand English grammar!


t1_it944rs wrote

> Your Majesty is a form of address generally reserved for royalty when not being used sarcastically.

"Ma'am" is a form of address generally reserved for females.

I thought we were ignoring how words are generally used when asked too if it doesn't hurt anyone? Are we not doing that?

>when not being used sarcastically

Ah, so you are applying a 'genuineness' filter to the requests. And if you decide, based on whatever, that they're not genuine, you can just ignore them?

Can I do that? Can a teacher do that? Or only you can do that?

Who is hurt if you call someone who isn't royalty 'your majesty'?


t1_it9d1pp wrote

Wow. Literally all of your comments are racist or anti-queer. Like. All of them.

You don’t have a normal thought in your head. It’s just hatred of non-whites and queers. That’s it.

I have been aware that people like you exist for a long time. My mother is one of you. But damn, it’s always a little terrifying when you encounter a human who has chosen to become the personification of hatred.


t1_it9ee1r wrote

Lol. You could have just said "uncle" it'd have been quicker.

How about engaging in the conversation you're in rather than digging through my profile for old ones?

>My mother is one of you

You will be too... When you're older.


t1_it9xp9g wrote

I am a middle aged man.

The “you’ll be conservative and bat shit when you’re older” wasn’t convincing when I was 15.