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HahaWeee t1_it8z0az wrote

The fact that it's a 50/50 toss up wtf happened to Republicans.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_it9nksh wrote

They've been drinking the right-wing bullshit for decades. All the diahrea that flows out of Tucker Carlson's mouth (which itself is just regurgitated Rush Limbaugh shit) flows out of the TV and Radio and directly into the hungry and eager low information voting block.


EarthRester t1_itai2g7 wrote

This is the end game of The Southern Strategy. Decades ago the Republican party encouraged the willfully ignorant to make voting Republican part of their identity. Never realizing that they wouldn't stop there. Eventually the willfully ignorant began electing EACHOTHER. They've consumed the GOP, and now all the conservatives who don't actively hate LGBT, women, and PoC run as Democrat or else they can't get elected.


LLBeanez t1_it94l7x wrote

They turned bitch and gave up everything they own just to feel a little bit better about themselves, at the expense of others.


Electrical_Skirt21 t1_itbzk44 wrote

Why would they vote for Fetterman? His platform is diametrically opposed to what they want


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_itcqgax wrote

>wtf happened to Republicans.

Fox News. That's what happened. Fox became the most watched program on cable tv in the US and is played on every govt installation so millions can be brainwashed