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t1_it9ok0a wrote

I believe that Hunter Biden has a laptop and is probably an idiot son of a politician but he's not exactly brokering peace in the Middle East while Eric trump is also an idiot and thinks he can make peace with the Arabs bc his brother in law is Jewish. Same w Donald trump jr. Tiffany and Ivanka and they are all in the freaking White House despite having zero background in diplomacy, never served in the military (at least Hunter made an attempt) and are hustling hotel brands and makeup kits and fashion. Hunter prob doesn't speak Ukrainian and knows nothing about Gas. This is nepotism and not a crime or trump would be in jail or indicted a third time.


t1_it9mm4l wrote

What kind of laptop you think it was? Dell? Thinkpad? I like Thinkpads a lot but Dell seems to be much more dominate in the business space due to their excellent customer support for business clients.


t1_it9ryqa wrote

Lenovo beats Dell any day of the week.

I’ll die on that hill before believing Hunter Biden is just a “well, he does drugs too, so it’s ok that Don Jr does!” Even though Jr was in the administration and Hunter is not.