Submitted by SpoonTomb t3_yab730 in Pennsylvania
Guess I’m just kindof checking the temperature of how fed up everyone is with this epidemic, how many of you would support a, for lack of a better idea, a “stop and frisk” policy in Philly? There is a law on the books regarding the illegality of carrying/owning a weapon without a license in Philly specifically ( Obviously would need to mobilize the police force in a way. Also, to mitigate the political fallout from such a move, there could maybe be some kind of immunity clause where anything discovered other than illegal firearms is off limits from being enforced upon or investigated.
The other side of this which is more of a hypothetical question, let’s say this did go into effect, and pigs could fly and the gun violence committers in Philly for some reason banned together and appealed to the NRA and gun rights activists for help rejecting this, no outside groups just the inner city folks who are currently illegally carrying and using firearms, how do you think that would go down? Seems like a funny idea
Mfees t1_ita9oot wrote
Stop and frisk is not cool. Has bad race impacts.. don't buy for a second any non gun issues would be immune.