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turfly1995 t1_itbvyjo wrote

It’s your fault. You should have had the working papers


Prince_music-fan t1_itbxoon wrote

Yeah I was just in the midst of changing schools so that’s why


turfly1995 t1_itbxy3k wrote

Unfortunately that is not a valid excuse. You aren’t the only one who changed schools, happens to a lot of people. You and your parents should have know what to do.


hemiones t1_itcappf wrote

Jesus Christ…go troll somewhere else. Or pick on an adult at least you sad degenerate.


turfly1995 t1_itcb2eh wrote

It’s the truth. Sorry if it’s hurts but that’s the reality.


discogeek t1_itcc7pq wrote

This is false. You don't need working papers to apply for a job or be offered a job, as OP stated in his question. You either misunderstood or are incorrect.

"And here is my curiosity my question is, was chick fil a legally allowed *to hire me* without any working papers for my age?"


psdancecoach t1_itcbz7e wrote

OP is a minor. According to the PA child labor laws it is the duty of the employer to know and follow the child labor law requirements.


Prince_music-fan t1_itep0rq wrote

I mean they did follow all the other laws, but like I have a new job, so I was just wondering, but a lot of people took my curiosity in a different direction.