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BrightProfessional8 t1_iu19r6r wrote

Your response didn't have any corroborating facts. MSNBC is just fear mongering so people like you will help their ratings. You probably won't understand now, but you will when you get older.


ShantyTed89 t1_iu1t5yj wrote

My response wasn’t intended to include a bunch of facts. You can see the public record at PA’s own site. Aside from FauxNooz, whose commentators admit in court that their shows are made up “for entertainment” and not real, any number of sources could have reported this story as every news office is following this contentious backwater we live in. Oh, and I’m old enough to know better, as in old enough to not to be taken in by the rhetoric of fear mongers, carpet baggers, and snake oil salesmen from Turkey.


BrightProfessional8 t1_iu32ndj wrote

LOL look at MSNBC website "Oz Dangerous Trade", "Lindsey Graham really should have kept this Herschel Walker comment to himself", "Brands were right to drop Ye. Now do Tucker Carlson." EVERY TOP ARTICLE IS AN OPINION PIECE. MSNBC is a joke of a news organization.

Only neutral source is ABC News in my book.