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t1_ity72q4 wrote

Ah yes, so there are no negotiations between houses of Congress or pork and barrel legislation benefitting the constituents of PA /s. Fetterman is in the wrong profession and I hope Pennsylvania residents will cast their political views aside and utilize logic instead of feelings!


t1_ity7pu1 wrote

Yes, and use said logic to realize Fetterman is the right choice. Unless you want your wives/daughters/sisters/etc to die because Oz thinks political officials should be part of the abortion decision.


t1_ityy34d wrote

Oh, but I am utilizing logic.

Despite his lack of eloquence, I am voting for the candidate whose ideas I agree with, not the smarmy and polished one.

And no, legislators do not debate ideas on the Senate Floor. You've watched too many movies and not enough CSPAN. Usually the opposing party will just sit there and doze off or doomscroll while the other party does its thing.


t1_iu1h92y wrote

Believe it or not, bipartisan legislation still gets passed. The main leftist talking point for the slaughtering of fetuses are the fringe cases that are rarer than a shiny Pokemon, that are extrapolated to be treated as a relevant point. Don't abuse Fetterman like you did Biden.


t1_iu1wx5k wrote

Oh, I know it gets passed. Nowadays it's negotiated behind closed doors, though, not via swaying the rest of the Senate a la Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

I'm also curious how you can justify this statement from your previous comment...

>I hope Pennsylvania residents will cast their political views aside and utilize logic instead of feelings!

...with this one.

>The main leftist talking point for the slaughtering of fetuses

Saying people should use logic to vote and then immediately pivoting to an appeal to emotion seems contradictory to me.