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Janderss182 t1_itv7ss2 wrote

If you consider the people who championed an illegal war and the deaths of millions of mostly innocent people reasonable, then your moral compass is incredibly skewed.


Collegenoob t1_itv8040 wrote

Lol. Troll trying so hard. I think you have a mess coming down your pantleg


Janderss182 t1_itv8am3 wrote

Yeah millions of people dying for the money machine is so funny isn’t it


Collegenoob t1_itv9tjq wrote

How you pivot is hilarious. You have 0 morals and your only objective is to disagree. It's perfect r/funnyandsad


Janderss182 t1_itva9tf wrote

I’m not pivoting, just addressing something really stupid that you just said


Collegenoob t1_itvcftx wrote



Janderss182 t1_itvcvgx wrote

I’m not the one that brought up warmongers and called them reasonable


Collegenoob t1_itvdbt8 wrote

Yea. You are just telling people to vote for the guy who denies the Armenian genocide.


Janderss182 t1_itvia4g wrote

I don’t think I ever said anyone should vote for Dr Oz lol. I’m just pointing out how delusional people are when they act like John Fetterman is all there
