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jkman61494 t1_itwb58n wrote

Fetterman is far and away the best choice for PA and the country. But he's now going to have to rely on Shaprio's popularity to try and get him a narrow victory at this point.

I get downvoted for it but I feel like JF's campaign team has been failing him for months well before this debate. His ads were great to start and it's like they hired a new team. Because it went from JF talking about the everyday Pennsylvanian to cringe ads of "real" Pennsylvanians who were clearly paid actors talking about Oz's peddling fake medicine. Or ads about puppies dying. Stuff that people just don't care about.

The snarky social media team behind the Wegners stuff vanished.

What it's going to come down to is if women and Philly voters will be compelled enough to go and vote. Because at this point, JF's team has failed in the Obama strategy of trying to pick off 1-3 points in rural counties to make up a larger advantage overall