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Dunn_or_what t1_itxqmfl wrote

Idiots aren't exclusive to either party. They both have proven that, however even smart needs help. I try not to waste time on blame. It's too tiring. Instead I look to find solutions. And tge shit you speak of has always been there. We're just seeing more of it by a new generation of knuckleheads. It was there in the 60's. It was there in the 70's and 80's ( remember the crack issue the feds helped create?) the 90's, etc. Locking everyone up might make you feel better, but it's not a solution, it's a temporary fix. The pandemic helped create the muck we have now, so we have to figure out the best solutions. The best isn't always the most popular. It won't work overnight. Larry had an idea, he tried it, but the pandemic created new, unforseen problems. If we don't try new ideas we stagnate. But sometimes they don't work. That's a fact of life. Pointing fingers is pointless. The trickle down ideas of the past forty plus years haven't been working for anyone making less than half a million a year. The middle ground is the only way out. Bridging the gap to get a handle on the problems. Otherwise it will get a handle on all of us and pull us down into the abyss.