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[deleted] t1_iu13rky wrote



FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu18wiv wrote

God, it shocks me that people like you exist. "They are going after our CHILDREN" you say.

Fucking how? Are you such an insecure little bitch that just the mere thought that someone could think differently than you makes you cry yourself to sleep? You think that teaching children to not hate others is bad because they won't respect little insecure morons that can't handle learning new concepts?

Tough shit.


[deleted] t1_iu1fgjd wrote



FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu1hezy wrote

You just.. Have absolutely zero idea what you are talking about, and it shows.

Stay out of the conspiracy subreddits and maybe read a modern textbook. It'd do you a lot of good.


[deleted] t1_iu1v6e4 wrote



Thievie t1_iu24n9t wrote

Textbooks have literally always said this. That's the definition of gender. Sex is biological and gender is about societal expression. I'm 26 and I learned it that way in school because it's literally the definition and always has been.


[deleted] t1_iu29k6i wrote



Thievie t1_iu2a5ji wrote

You are factually wrong. Gender relates to the societal perception and expression and cultural expectations of and around the sexes. It is not the same as biological sex. Pull out a dictionary as old as you want and look it up. Then change your username.


[deleted] t1_iu2c8s7 wrote



Thievie t1_iu2ffbc wrote

I grew up in the 90s.

Sex- the biological makeup of genitals and chromosomes you were born with

Gender- society's roles, expectations, cultural differences, etc around the sexes and how it is expressed

Gender identity- how you personally express your gender

This has never not been true. I'm also not a democrat. You're just wrong and saying that you're not over and over again doesn't make you right.


[deleted] t1_iu2cgvl wrote



Thievie t1_iu2ee8w wrote

Trans people don't deny that they were born the sex that they were. they never have. Rather, they would like to present and be seen as the sex they were not born as. After all, your perception is your reality. And many succeed in doing so. I guarantee you've walked past a trans person and never even known it. If they are happier that way and hurting no one, what's the problem?


[deleted] t1_iu2ghad wrote



Thievie t1_iu2n6qi wrote

User has been deleted but so that other people don't see this information and become misinformed:

  1. detransitioning rates among the trans community are extremely low. Like 3% or less.
  2. Suicide rates among trans people who are NOT given affirming care are very high, yes. With all the bullying and transphobia, one can imagine why. However, gender affirming care is the number one thing recommended by both doctors and therapists in order to ensure the safety of trans youth.

--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu2q51b wrote

I think they got banned lmao good riddance I say and yes you’re 100% on the money.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu20evw wrote

No. I’m sorry you can’t read, maybe you should try hiring a private tutor to teach you basic things.


[deleted] t1_iu29y4p wrote

You’re the one ignoring basic biology but okay


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu2agct wrote

Don't you have to go prove the earth is flat or something?


[deleted] t1_iu2cjau wrote

Don’t you have something to prove, like genetic science is wrong, or something?!?


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu2cqfx wrote

Ah man, it's sad because you don't have the capacity to understand how funny what you said is.


[deleted] t1_iu2gjeo wrote

You’re the one denying biology and genetics but okay!


Fstmiddy t1_iu1gp13 wrote

> you must be fun at parties

>Proceeds to strawman, complete ignoring that people have a right to free expression... Children included.

Based and idiot-pilled.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iu27dcw wrote

What does based mean? I see it a lot on Reddit. Urban dictionary said it was the opposite of cringe buy it seems to be used in a negative way.


Buffmin t1_iu14mia wrote

>Test scores are at an all time low, kids are getting dumber and unable to complete basic tasks

Thanks Republicans!


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu1cqzt wrote

Low test scores are what happens when Republicans cut public school funding….


OligarchWelfare t1_iu4gu0v wrote

Which leads to Republicans who scream that Pennsylvania must have mass fraud when Dems win because it takes days to count the vote... Even though it's Rs that forced the law to not be able to count mail ins until after the election.

Ted Cruz and other prominent Republicans are pushing this narrative because they know their voter base is dumb.


[deleted] t1_iu253vp wrote



--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu272ck wrote

You have to be delusional if that’s what you think goes on in public schools… delusional or so addicted to Fox News and r/conspiracy that your brain has fallen out of its skull. I hope you get the help you so desperately need.


[deleted] t1_iu2acdx wrote

I don’t have a TV, so I don’t watch the news. But I do know that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Unlike all the college kids in these liberal schools who graduate not knowing how to pay taxes but at least they learned how to riot when their feelings were hurt.


[deleted] t1_iu1ja65 wrote



[deleted] t1_iu1v3u2 wrote

Telling children about God is far from convincing them that they need to chop off their genitals, but nice try.


KyleRichXV t1_iu1ddsi wrote

Please show exactly how the LGBTQ+ community is somehow going after kids?

Oh, never mind - looking at your account shows you’re a valid anti-vaxxer conspiracy dolt who doesn’t have three neurons to rub together for warmth 🙄


[deleted] t1_iu1vyhe wrote

That always seems to be your go to. Attack people without hearing them out. I have ALL of my vaccines up until I was 23. I then experienced a vaccine injury from the HPV shot. How does now being contraindicated for vaccines and telling people they should make informed decisions instead of blindly following the narrative make me a bad person? Unless you ACTUALLY think those who profit off of you being sick want you healthy?

I was once pro-vaxx, until their product harmed me. The fact that you bully and gaslight those of us with negative experiences confirms that we are NOW on the right side of history, unfortunately we had to become victims of these industries before we woke up and we just want others to know there are risks and they should make an informed decision. If that makes me a bad person to you, fine that’s your opinion on me. But as someone who was harmed- I am never going to not talk about it.

That being said, just watch the page Libs of TikTok. The only thing she does is retweet TikTok’s from liberals talking about grooming kids, planned kid friendly drag shows, etc.


KyleRichXV t1_iu2idlg wrote

HAHAHAHAH suuuuuuure you were "vaccine injured" pal, sure. You know, it's been quite some time since I tore an anti-vaxxer to absolute shreds but, for you (since you've been a transphobic stain on this sub for the last day) it would be an injustice if I didn't absolutely belittle you into oblivion, so buckle up, little guy.

First and foremost, I can all but guarantee you didn't suffer an actual, severe adverse event (what you so eloquently call an "injury") due to 1) the insanely good safety profile of the HPV vaccines (quite interesting, and telling, that you didn't mention a brand, just "the HPV shot"......curious) on the market and 2) the fact that you're calling it an injury in the first place, lol (we'll get to this later.) According to the CDC, for example, an SAE such as anaphylaxis are only seen in about 3 out of 1,000,000 doses given and no higher-than-normal adverse events seen with HPV versus other vaccines (same source.) If the CDC isn't good enough for you, another article found a "severe AE" rate of about 3-5% based on VAERS data in the US from 2008-2016 (however, this shouldn't be an end all, considering no causality is ever established between reporting and vaccination - it could have been minutes, it could have been weeks, it could have been months after - anything can be reported and left unverified). So, statistics alone says you're full of shit.

Another telling part of your "being pro-vaxx" is the fact you frequent the conspiracy sub. That's usually not a completely 100% tell all........except for something like vaccines, which literally no person in that sub thinks are safe - if they were right in all their predictions about vaccines, we'd be pumped full of poison while healthcare providers hold us down, and people would be dropping like flies regularly with no explanation. This isn't the case, because people on that sub have absolutely no fucking clue what they're talking about with respect to vaccines (and I say this as someone who has worked in the vaccine manufacturing industry for 13 fucking years so I think I might know a thing or two about what these studies and what the manufacturing processes entail.) I can absolutely tell you got your vaccine bias from there, and without question attributed any reaction you had to the vaccine and were sold on the idea of "vaccines = dangerous" like the good little bobblehead you are. And while I can't prove it, I can almost guarantee the sequence of events went something like Experienced something that made you feel "off" --> weeks passed --> vaccines mentioned in conspiracy sub or in a FB group about "vaccines = poison" --> your pathetic little brain said "oh! that was definitely the vaccine." Lol.

It's also blatantly obvious how full of shit you are that you're, suddenly, "contraindicated for vaccines" despite only reacting to one? No medical professional would say "wow! You're now sworn off all vaccines for the rest of time!" after one specific injection from one specific brand using one specific vaccine platform (VLPs versus LVVs - go ahead and look those up, dear, then come back.)

Now, let's get back to your account history and why this tells a story of you being dumb. Besides the frequenting of the conspiracy sub, you also spew a whole lot of very blatantly incorrect information about the "dangers" of vaccines. The biggest one is for not being able to sue a manufacturer (not surprising, this is usually the first buzz-saying of any simpleton anti-vaxxer such as yourself that gets your information from fellow simpleton anti-vaxxers without giving it much thought.) You're also wrong about how it's funded; it's not "tax-payer" money in the slightest. The cost of the vaccine includes a "fee" of sorts that will go to the "fund" for future pay-outs of definitive vaccine reactions that make it through the system. Trying to pin the whole "vaccines are evil because they use our taxes!" is so blatantly stupid and verifiably wrong in so many ways lol. Also, look up the bill/law that put the vaccine court into effect; it literally says you can sue the manufacturers in court, still; should you disagree with the decision of the vaccine courts. This whole "they can't be sued!" thing is so disingenuous and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker lol.

Now about this whole "informed consent" thing - that happens, and for you to claim no one is given information prior to injections is just so much bullshit it would be laughable, if it wasn't so fucking dangerously stupid. You were 23 when you got the HPV vaccine? Cool - I'm going to go ahead and wager you weren't held down and forced against your will to get it, since you were a legal adult? Guarantee you had to sign a form, or hear something from the medical professional at the time, indicating what the risks and benefits of the vaccine were. So, you knew the risks, and any and all reactions you experienced were the result of you being informed and going through it anyway.

And this whole bullshit of "you're gaslighting! That means I'm right!" HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING WHAT?! Calling you stupid for your stance on vaccines means you're right? Do you not hear how there's no logic to that? I call Nazis stupid, too - guess that "proves" they're on the right side of history? You're just letting your insignificant persecution complex get the best of you because being a contrarian anti-vaxxer makes you feel special for once in your miserable life, and you're scared to lose it.

So, you can continue to "never not talk about it" but just know that the actual, real smart vaccine scientists behind the scenes aren't laughing with you, kumquat, we're laughing at you and we'll never miss an opportunity to pinpoint exactly why everything you're regurgitating is wrong, farfetched, and blatantly stupid.

Oh, and TikTok is not a fucking valid source of research. I can see why being an anti-vaxxer is appealing to you, it's much easier to be ignorant than smart lol.


AdAdvanced3953 t1_iu1cgmt wrote

Lmao y’all love complaining about things that aren’t related and btw Republicans are allll for defunding our school systems. And have done so. Look at the test scores in Republican havens like Alabama. Worst in the country. Also no one in the LGBT community is going after children- fake tears for a fake issue.


[deleted] t1_iu25a6m wrote

I am all for getting government OUT of schools. Give control back to the local community to raise and educate children. We don’t need government indoctrination camps, we need adults willing to actually teach children the things they need to know.


Radack1 t1_iu1dcdc wrote

And thank God that our children know that our high and mighty god made the earth in seven days, and that teenage relationships are sooo very wrong (news flash: we all were idiots at that age. Stuff is gonna happen), but heavens forbid we tell them how to do it safely. What is this about evolution? Blasphemy!

Look, I'm a Catholic and pretty devout at that. But holy shit is this too far. A group is promoting their facist ideals under the guise of a book I sometimes look to for answers (which blatantly contradicts most of their points, btw), and somehow getting away with it. You want to know why test scores are shit? In half the south, the "big bang theory" might as well be a reference to a pornhub link. And that's been spreading. My second cousins didn't know the virus was fucking real until their parents sat them down for a while and had to explain some things about their teacher and the body count. Who's going after who?

No democrat I've ever heard of will force your kid to become gay, trans, or make them get an abortion. They just ask to be understanding of those people. Republicans, on the other hand?


susinpgh t1_iu1setn wrote

Nobody is going after your children. This was how racial prejudice was taught for generations. I think we've learned a bit since then.


[deleted] t1_iu1uxqc wrote

I’d say the teachers on the internet openly talking about how they convince confused kids that they are the wrong gender and they’d be happy if they chopped off their genitals are proof that you’re wrong.


mybrosteve t1_iu1vlv1 wrote

Did that happen at the same school with the litterbox in the bathroom?