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Jef_Wheaton t1_iu23m9y wrote

The thing is, nobody is teaching elementary school kids that stuff anyway, other than "Jimmy has two moms, and that's OK" type of thing. It's entirely fabricated by politicians trying to scare people, and amplified by Fox News/ OANN.


Kabloosh75 t1_iu241zk wrote

Then there's nothing to worry about. Just like how we don't need additional laws that stop discrimination against sex and gender since there is already laws on the book for that.


[deleted] t1_iu2bf8g wrote

Is it fabricated? Because there are tik tok accounts of teachers talking about how they talk to their students about sexual orientation and gender identity. I’ll take it right from the horses mouth over some politician, and the teachers themselves are openly admitting to teaching gender ideology to kids as young as pre-school!
