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dudeman4win t1_iu2dki6 wrote

You can’t actually believe this right?


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2oond wrote

Absolutely financially I have been in good shape in the past but now it's just phenomenal like I said before if people are hurting I'm sorry but there are many people who are not hurting at all


LostInSpace9 t1_iu2qwjv wrote

Your individual success does not represent the economy…


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2yw0o wrote

Once again it doesn't reflect everyone


LostInSpace9 t1_iu42zq3 wrote

You’re literally trying to say your success is a sign of the economy… are you okay? Contradiction city.


_switch360_ t1_iu2vawz wrote

So what do you do? Create those ridiculous adds for the democrats that make Fetterman look capable of holding office? If you do, then you are deserving of the money, because he is a person in need of longterm recuperation!


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iu2yxki wrote

No I'm a retired social worker


breadonbread3000 t1_iu3x5k3 wrote

In my experience most baby boomers have little to no concept of reality at this point. The ones that are lucid enough to understand how reality functions in the current century are only concerned with acquiring as much money as they can before they die. They will be on their death beds taking out a mortgage because they won't have to repay it