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oldschoolskater OP t1_iu6hu75 wrote

The question is will the Dems be "election deniers" if this election doesn't go the way they want?


HectorsMascara t1_iu7bxix wrote

not without lots of evidence


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iu7efy4 wrote

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed the 2016 election was stolen and Donald Trump is an illegitimate president


mybrosteve t1_iu7fhko wrote

*Citation needed


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iu7g9yf wrote

It is genuinely scary the media you’ve been consuming hasn’t informed you of this.


jaythebearded t1_iu8bv9h wrote

Oo I love the ominous musical tones, really sells how spooky and sensational it all is


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iu8koxl wrote

Imagine denying literal videos of your heroes saying something because the billionaires told you they’re actually good


jaythebearded t1_iu8lc1o wrote

> your heroes

Lmao imagine thinking those people are my heroes.


scotticusphd t1_iuae9wi wrote

It's scarier you eat this shit up. Hillary Clinton called him on election night and conceded.

Donald Trump has yet to concede despite mountains of evidence that he lost. That you can't tell the difference says a lot about how gullible you are.


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iuaeg9u wrote


scotticusphd t1_iuag0uz wrote

When you scratch the surface of the avalanche of lies, very little actual evidence is there. People have done this journalism. Trump lost in elections where republican governors and congressional candidates and senators won. If this were a democratic conspiracy, and it's not, then that wouldn't have happened because they would have taken those seats too. Trump is a loser, he's always been a loser, and he barely won his first election. It's much more reasonable to believe that the majority of Americans were sick of his bullshit.

You might want to seek out therapy for your issues.


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iuahd76 wrote

Are you aware you are consuming biased media?


scotticusphd t1_iuai9he wrote

Yes. All sources have bias. Even media companies with strong right-wing bias have accepted that Trump lost fair and square.

Are you aware that you're consuming media without fact checking or editorial standards?

There's a huge difference between having a difference of opinion about the relevance of facts and making up facts without fact-checking them.


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iuaijb0 wrote

The only conspiracy here is that you believe literally everything the elite want you to.

Listen, i don’t think you’re necessarily an idiot, but right now, you’re certainly acting like one.


scotticusphd t1_iuari2o wrote

You don't think Donald Trump is elite? Rudolph Giuliani? These are elites by any measure of the word and you believe them. Why?

By most measures my education makes me elite and I, too, have looked into these allegations of voter fraud and everything that I looked into was baseless.

I don't think you're necessarily unhinged from reality but...


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iuax7gi wrote

If they were really elite, then they wouldn’t have been ostracized by the other elites.

You have been brainwashed by what you’ve seen in the media so hard you’re incapable of reading the evidence presented to you. If you were a rational person, you’d say “wow, I was wrong.”


scotticusphd t1_iuazaqm wrote

You have some odd ideas about how you think "elites" work. What's more elite than being a billionaire whose daddy bought his way into Wharton? I'm nowhere near as elite as Trump, yet I know people who are more elite than me who have been ostracized for their bad behavior.

Trump was ostracized because he bragged about grabbing women by the pussy without permission. He was ostracized in NY circles for being a slumlord and failing to pay people who do work for him. He was ostracized in political circles for race-baiting and shitting on everyone who disagrees with him. He was ostracized by the media for calling them the enemy whenever they asked him hard questions. He had more turnover in his cabinet than any other modern administration and more successful prosecutions for perjury as well.

You can't behave like an asshole, regardless of how elite you are, and expect to not get kicked out of the club. You can't behave that way as a normal person and expect to keep your friends, so it's just funny to me that you choose to believe someone who has shown such a poor lack of emotional control and moral character over anyone else.

It's a very strange choice to make and it makes me wonder how many friends you actually have, if this is the type of person you look up to.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iub6to7 wrote

The Power Elite

>The Power Elite is a 1956 book by sociologist C. Wright Mills, in which Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen in modern times is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those three entities.

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scotticusphd t1_iub7y4g wrote

I understand what an elite is, but I think it's funny that you somehow don't think Donald Trump is one of them. Trusting him, in the face of his documented lies, is insane.


Fitzgeraldfan7193829 t1_iub89va wrote

All evidence points to Donald Trump running a campaign against these elites, and then them turning on him, and because (they) control the media and you listen to the media, you hate Trump.

Why do you think literally every single objectively elite person is/was against Donald Trump?

I’m trying to spell this out for you. I don’t know why I’m doing this. You’re objectively wrong, but you’re unintelligent, so you can’t see it.


scotticusphd t1_iub95lp wrote

>Why do you think literally every single objectively elite person is/was against Donald Trump?

Because he's been recorded talking about sexually assaulting women, amongst many other reasons. I personally don't associate myself with people who behave that way and elite people, likewise, often choose to avoid people who treat others that way.

You can take your condensation and shove it. Welcome to my blocked list.


HectorsMascara t1_iu7n7nm wrote

I responded to a question about 'Dems' not about Hillary Clinton. Regardless, not sure of the specific context of the claims of illegitimacy in your video, but Trump was surely aided by Putin, an enemy of the US.


Reynard1981 t1_iu7kfnl wrote

They already are. Clinton is already predicting the future about how this and the presidential election will be “fraudulent”.