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vortical42 t1_iumnw84 wrote

Why has Fetterman not pushed back harder against the negative add campaign being run against him? It feels like the 'Senate Leadership' super PAC has been running a non-stop smear campaign, but I haven't seen any adds from Fetterman debunking or clarifying his actual positions.


usatoday OP t1_iump44z wrote

These campaigns hire all kinds of expert consultants. Can't speak for them, but a guess would be that those folks feel the more effective messaging would be to humanize their candidate and demonize his opponent, rather than go on the defensive about his past or previous comments/positions.


Dredly t1_iumzys5 wrote

My personal media consumption is likely different then yours, but I see anti-Oz ads almost as often as I see Pro-Fetterman ones. They are running these ads constantly:

"He has 12 houses"

"He got rich from selling bullshit cures and testified in front of congress that its bullshit"

"He is anti-abortion"


Most of my media consumption is on YouTube, where every other ad is a political one.


vortical42 t1_iun6uw6 wrote

The anti-Oz adds I see are similar. Nothing really surprising there. The problem, at least from my perspective, is that I don't see what value those bring. Anyone with strong partisan views has already decided. The people on the fence have heard the 'Oz is a carpet bagging charlatan' line a thousand times. Unless there is something new, no one is changing their votes because of those adds. They might however, be swayed by an add where Fetterman actually directly refutes some of the claims against him. Hearing his actual views on criminal justice might just win back some moderate voters who were scared off by the 'Fetterman wants to release murderers and rapist ' adds.


ChrissyLove13 t1_iun9wu4 wrote

I've seen more ads lately since the debate that are more trying to humanize Fetterman. Which is fine and dandy but as you said he's not addressing his views on criminal justice. All you see is that Fetterman is a people's person. Ok. He takes pride in having been the mayor of Braddock where he still lives. Most people don't know that Braddock has since become a ghost town. People left in droves and unemployment is at an all time high. He is rarely seen except for photo ops. He doesn't frequent the few small businesses that remain. I'm surprised the Oz team hasn't used this in attack ads. As these little details do matter to voters.


LinkRunner337 t1_iuorfay wrote

Lol Braddock hasn't been a booming metropolis since 1920. In fact, Braddock had its steepest decline in 2000 when it lost 37% of its population. Under Fetterman the decline has slowed. How are you gonna blame a mayor when the place was declining for 100 years lmao.

1870 1,290 — 1880 3,310 156.6% 1890 8,561 158.6% 1900 15,654 82.9% 1910 19,357 23.7% 1920 20,879 7.9% 1930 19,329 −7.4% 1940 18,326 −5.2% 1950 16,488 −10.0% 1960 12,337 −25.2% 1970 8,795 −28.7% 1980 5,634 −35.9% 1990 4,682 −16.9% 2000 2,912 −37.8% Fetterman 2010 2,159 −25.9% 2020 1,721 −20.3%

Apparently I can't format in reddit. Enjoy


RecallRethuglicans t1_iuqnxqu wrote

And let’s not forget that there were no murders there for eight of his thirteen years as mayor. Zero! Even the mayors of Philadelphia or Pittsburgh can’t claim that.


ChrissyLove13 t1_iurr12a wrote

Oh my. Are you really comparing Braddock to 2 of the largest cities in the country? This must be satire.


RecallRethuglicans t1_iushb26 wrote

I’m comparing a mayor who prevented murders in his town. A mayor is a mayor.


RecallRethuglicans t1_iuqnuik wrote

Those aren’t lies though. Oz also kills puppies and drinks his own pee. Those are issues that PA voters care about.


Dredly t1_iurp5on wrote

question wasn't related to are they true... just what is running that pushes back on Oz


300blakeout t1_iuqdg36 wrote

Did you see the debate? He debunked is own positions. Dudes a clown. So is Oz.