Slightlyjacked t1_ius9i1x wrote
I went the one year they summoned me after that I just threw the jury duty requests out and acted like I never saw em. Nothing Came of it.
da_london_09 t1_iutkm99 wrote
Same.... I've gotten several, tossed them.... if they want proof, maybe they should send them certified?
Liv4lov t1_iuwd2x7 wrote
I thought you can get fine up to $500 or jail time for this?
da_london_09 t1_iuwkvv8 wrote
Sure... just as soon as they have any proof that I ever received their letter. I think they have bigger fish to go after these days.
Liv4lov t1_iuwpe1h wrote
If you don't mind me asking, how many times can you get away with doing this and face any repercussions?
da_london_09 t1_iuwq15c wrote
Been about 5 or 6 times so far.....
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