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i7oldgr3gg t1_iuw65vq wrote

I've never voted a day in my life (I'm 27) but hes the reason I'm starting to vote I don't want him representing me and my state l


j428h t1_iuwz033 wrote

I hope you continue to vote always. Even the municipal races (2023) are an opportunity for sleaze-bags and self-dealers to win due to low turnout.


ScrappleOnToast t1_iuwb1t4 wrote

Even if he wins, he won’t be representing you, or any other Pennsylvanian.


Unethical_GOP t1_iuwyfq7 wrote

You are a very smart 27 year old. Thank you for voting. It matters!! 💙


Sea-Biscotti t1_iuxc7wz wrote

my mom was 54 when she started voting, it's never too late!


Dat_Boi_Aint_Right t1_iuxd9wp wrote

Thanks! Keep it going. Apathy and cynicism is a tool of the people who want to take advantage of you.


drunkmonkey176 t1_iuw2l0t wrote

I sincerely hope Oz supporters continue taking his medical advice.


Newtype879 OP t1_iuw5gnf wrote

I just dont' understand how anyone can vote for a guy who has literally killed puppies. I mean that's cartoonish levels of evil.


drunkmonkey176 t1_iuw5z6x wrote

These are the same people that worship child molesting rapists, love violence, and adore slavery. There's nothing too evil for them.


Fermundacheese1977 t1_iux0v0e wrote

They’re not voting for him. They are voting for his 100% loyalty and voting towards Maga and Trump


106473 t1_iuwth1l wrote

Nervous Looks at Dr.Fauci


Jerryjb63 t1_iuww0ut wrote

Fauci was appointed, not elected.


Unethical_GOP t1_iuxakkd wrote

And he’s been around since the 1980’s. I remember him speaking publicly on the AIDS crisis (that Reagan wanted to ignore cuz gays)


akadmin t1_iuxhh9j wrote

According to him Africa would have been wiped out by now. Instead it's 3x pop. About the same accuracy as covid.


106473 t1_iuwtft0 wrote

Nervous Looks at Dr.fauci


MandoFett123456 t1_iux7cz0 wrote

> A MarketWatch analysis of FEC data found that through Sept. 30, Fetterman received contributions from about 19,000 unique individuals living in Pennsylvania. Oz, on the other hand, had about 2,100 unique in-state donors.

Wow, this means all of Oz’s funding comes from corporations and super PACs. They must be ready to get returns on their investment in Oz.


mynameisalso t1_iuzzwfh wrote

All he needs is a few corporate daddys and gop has them.


Odd_Description_2295 t1_iuwcv3e wrote

They are all out of state donors lol


jpcapone t1_iuxurfs wrote

That statement is a bit hyperbolic but close enough to the truth. Oz is a carpetbagger cum teabagger though.


Allemaengel t1_iuxf4b0 wrote

What a surprise, the out-of-state candidate is getting nothing but out-of-state money.


RussianChiChi t1_iuxq93c wrote

Dr oz is paying canvassers $25 an hour so you know he’s desperate and got a lot of money to blow. For reference, when I worked for the dems they paid around $15-21 an hour.


QueasyFailure t1_iuze623 wrote

In all fairness, inflation takes care of that difference. I honestly thought they were typically volunteers.


OldChucker t1_iuyowkr wrote

I've been giving Oz the finger from Trevose. Does that count?


wagsman t1_iuxqhjs wrote

This only accounts for money that was donated to their campaigns. What isnt included is money used on behalf of a candidate by outside groups. That's the more interesting number.


sneakysquid102 t1_iuxtqbb wrote

Well east stroudsburg has mastrino and OZ signs everywhere so dont count on us 🤣😭


Divinggumby t1_iv08grt wrote

Wooo another political post 🤦‍♂️. Most people hate Fetterman more than Oz. They don’t want to vote for OZ but they’re rather have him than Fetterman.


dominos38 t1_iuxt8ht wrote

Well at least it’s better then lying for money


billfriedman9987 t1_iux9yp5 wrote

I wouldn’t give money to either of these bums.
